Wednesday, April 19, 2006

this is my least-used blog...

you know, i only have this blog b/c i like the format of it... i really like the way it's set up, actually moreso than xanga and myspace...unfortunately everyone i know is on the other two, so this one mostly gets ignored...that's okay though. :-) anyway, life is stressful...just thought i would say it on this blog since i've already said it on the other two. i'm exhausted and absolutely thrilled that there are only 9 days left in the semester (and only 6 of those are actual class days!) after that i will only have a paper and a final exam to do before i am home free, baby! then it's going to be days at the pool and nights at work...and yes, that is a relaxing summer to me. :-) also, spending some time with a certain someone would be nice...but we'll see what happens there. :-) okay, i must get back to work. i no longer have any motivation to do anything, so even small assignments are very time-consuming...


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