Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Apparently I shake my butt more when I walk than I used to... yes, that is a random comment, but two people at work made a comment yesterday. Now I'm all trying to notice if I shake it more, which, obviously, makes me shake it more...Michael said he'd just stare at my butt the next time he saw me and would let me know...he's such a good boyfriend!!

Oh, and by the way this time tomorrow, I will be on my way to Florida. Yeah, my family will be pretty pissed at me when I get back, but I really need to get away from my mother. She is literally driving me insane. If you knew some of the crap I've had to deal with concerning her since I've been home, you'd probably understand. I hope I'm not a horrible person for not being with my family on Thanksgiving. Shawntae said that I'm not, and I trust her opinion. After Thanksgiving break, there are 2 weeks of school left, and in that time I must write three 15 page papers, take 2 tests, give one more presentation, and revise my portfolio. That's a lot of crap to do in two weeks...there's nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh? Anyway, I'm sitting here STILL reading the Three Musketeers, which is much too long. I've been reading it forever...I'm almost a third of the way through it. Good gosh, Dumas, enough with the detail already!!


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