Tuesday, March 07, 2006

well...here i am

well, i thought i would give a brief update on this blog, considering i don't use it very much. i have a myspace account now, which i use much more often. anywho, the apartment is wonderful! i have cable and internet and such, and it's just fantabulous! school is stressful, what a surprise, but i have a much needed spring break coming up in about 10 days, so i am VERY excited about that!! what else can i say? michael and i are still broken up, and it is a good thing by the way, even though it's not what i had originally wanted. looking back, though, i think it was a very good decision (on his part) and i would not take him back right now if he asked me to. what else can i say? still working at applebee's...lucky me, right? well, i work like one or two shifts a week, but i think it counts... well, i guess i should go do something productive besides sitting here in the computer lab pretending like i have nothing to do. catch ya later!